
Cancellation before shipment (Only valid on orders placed):

Customer can call and cancel the order before it is shipped

How will I get refunded for the cancelled orders and how long will this process take?

In case of cancellation before shipment, we initiate the refund within 2 business days after receiving the cancellation request.

In case of cancellation once the shipment has already been dispatched or if it is being returned, we process the refund once the products have been received and verified at our store

• For payments done through credit/debit cards or net banking, the refund will be initiated to the same account from which the payment was made within 2 business days of us receiving the products back. It may take 5 business days for the amount to reflect in your account.

• We do not offer wallet refunds for cancellations

Can I return part of my order?

Yes. A return can be created at item level and if you have ordered multiple items, you can initiate a return/replacement/refund for any individual item. However, any product being returned needs to be returned in full including all components as well as any complimentary gifts or products which came along with it.

Contact Us

you have any questions or need assistance, please contact:

Toll Free Number (9:00am - 7:00pm) 1800 123 008866